I'm sure I'm not the only one who'll admit that they go through stages, when they just feel sad. You feel like the world is out to get you and that nothing can make you feel better, and sometimes, all of a sudden, something will happen and you'll feel better again seemingly in an instant.
I'm personally going through one of these stages where I just think 'what's the point'. I'm stressed about everything, not enjoying anything and have absolutely zero motivation. I think that this is due to a combination of a lot of different factors, but I've found that when I'm like this, I make a list of things that make me happy.
So, here is the latest list. Here are my one hundred things that make me happy.
((I know that some of them are similar and ridiculous, but I'm a little ridiculous so it makes sense))
Of course minions would be present in this post. Duh. |
~ please also note that these aren't necessarily in order of preference, it's just the order in which I thought of them ~
1. family and friends
2. making people smile
3. my dog
4. comedies and funny youtube videos
5. yoga
6. rainbows
7. finding and reading a good book
8. musicals
9. going to concerts
10. junk food
11. spontaneous texts
12. feeling safe
13. getting compliments
14. laughter
15. new stationary
16. getting good results
17. making new friends
18. inappropriate jokes
19. things which are colour coordinated
20. walks by the beach
21. finding a dress that makes me look fierce
22. going to the cinema
23. feeling like one of 'the guys'
24. when my friend does my hair all fancy
25. the sense of achieving something
26. perfect eyeliner
27. chocolate
28. the sound of rain
29. watching films
30. looking through old photos
31.making people laugh
32. charity
33. inside jokes
34. white hot chocolate
35. easy a & she's the man
36. singing really loudly when no-one's around
37. feeling as though I'm top of the world
38. cry laughing
39. comfy bean bags in the library
40. ice cream
41. daisy chains
42. anti-jokes
43. high school musical
44. edam
45. helium balloons
46. making shapes out of clouds
47. the smell of toast
48. emma stone
49. quizzes
50. unexpected hugs from lovely people
51. watching the world go by
52. just talking for hours
53. sleepovers
54. jennifer lawrence
55. taking photographs
56. knowing stuff
57. finishing sudoku
58. the words 'collywobbles' and 'quintessentially'
59. funny random facts
60. all squashing in my friend's beach hut
61. people watching
62. miranda
63. playing the piano (well)
64. doing things right
65. teachers that genuinely like you
66. reminiscing
67. fĂȘtes
68. snapchats from fun people
69. michael mcintyre and russell howard
70. being walked home
71. new york
72. feeling infinite
73. that end of the school year feeling
74. having a tidy room
75. good hair & make up days
76. fairy lights
77. baby animals (esp. puppies)
78. childhood games
79. those moments you want to laugh
80. talking about books
81. not having any pressures
82. finding pens that work first time
83. twister
84. cuddles
85. being and feeling inspired
86. finding a good tv series
87. feeling admired
88. being a part of the national citizen service
89. shannon saunders
90. singing the wrong words and not caring one bit
91. leonardo di caprio
92. headphones that aren't tangled
93. people who are just really blonde
94. pinky promises
95. novelty socks and jumpers
96. jeremy irvine & alex pettyfer's faces
97. looking fab in photos
98. knowing everything's going to be okay
99. disney
100. silly selfies
I realise that some of my things are really weird but that's because they're personal, and they make me feel happier. When making these lists, I don't even think about what I'm writing, because then it's almost things you think subconsciously that make you happy - things which make you truly happy.
I really recommend you make a list next time that you're feeling down, as it honestly makes you appreciate what you have and you feel a lot better. If you want to share your list with me feel free to comment or tweet me the link. You never know, we might share some wacky things that bring smiles to our faces!
Thank you for reading