Tuesday, 22 July 2014

What Time is it? (Summertime)

(It's our vacation, What time is it? Party time - That's right, say it loud ) etc etc etc

That's riiiighhhtt.....It's the time of the year when I have had no other song stuck in my head but  the fabulous opening number to HSM2 - and embarrassingly enough I didn't even have to google those lyrics.

Oh yeah, and guess what else...I'm back!! (again).

After putting my blog on hiatus for exams, I'm attempting (again) to start blogging regularly again - let's see how long I last!

Like every year, I'm determined to make this summer the best one yet, and so I've borrowed 14 books from school (12 of which I have to read for my english literature a2 coursework, but they're all rather smashing so I don't mind), and I've made myself a promise to do something productive every day (and get a bit of a tan, but that seems the least unlikely).

I recently saw a video by Alfie Deyes entitled "25 Things To Do This Summer", and whilst I'm not sure I could commit do doing something like a book for my summer memories (you all know my commitment issues..), I was inspired, and I've decided that I'm going to post more regularly on this blog, especially things that I've done this summer. Like every year, I've got loads planned in my head and I'm honestly interested to see how many of them I actually do!!

Whilst I'm not going to turn this into a space where I document my everyday doings (- as you are probably aware my relationship with my blog is a bit on-off), if I do anything which I feel is interesting enough to share with you I'll whack it on here so some of you can acknowledge that I do have the teeniest tiniest of social life - and it may even act as an incentive for me to do something exciting and different!

So, to start off with I've got some snaps from last weekend, when I went on an adventure with my beautiful friends Emma and Nat and managed to get some photos of the beautiful sunsets - I hope you like them.

What about you, have you got anything interesting or exciting planned this summer?

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